The papers linked below were all written by students, but I have corrected grammatical mistakes and other errors. I don't expect you to give me grammatically-perfect papers, so don't worry if you feel that your English is not as good as the English in the examples given here!

British Culture

1000-word papers:

1. The Current Unemployment Situation in the UK (Uploaded October, 2010)

2. Tea and Middle-Class Women in 19th Century Britain (Uploaded September, 2012)

3. Why the United Kingdom Needs to Remain as a European Nation State. (Uploaded November, 2014)


1000-word papers:

1. Why Charlotte Brontë made Jane and Rochester Plain (Uploaded November, 2014)

2. Charlotte Brontë as a Protofeminist (Uploaded December, 2014)

3. Bertha's Silence in Jane Eyre (Uploaded September, 2015)

4. Social Status and Uriah Heep’s Intentional Misnaming of David Copperfield  (Uploaded September, 2015)

3000-word papers:

1. Fagin the Jew in Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens (Uploaded October, 2010)

2. The Impact of Child Care on Children in David Copperfield (Uploaded September, 2015)

Writing about poetry:

1. 'Dover Beach' by Matthew Arnold [1] (Uploaded September, 2015)

2. 'Dover Beach' by Matthew Arnold [2] (Uploaded September, 2015)

3. 'The Prophet' by Abraham Cowley (Uploaded September, 2015)

4. I've posted an analysis of the rhymes in Shakespeare's Sonnet 18 here (October 2015)


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