Presentations at conferences, etc.

"Protestant Polemic and the Japanese Martyrs"
(European Association for Japanese Studies Annual Conference,
Tsukuba University, September 15, 2019)

"Putting the Text First: Literature and Culture in the Non-Native Context"
(Symposium organized by the Nagoya University American Literature/Culture Society
and the Chukyo University Research Group on Teaching Academic Contents, March 17-18, 2018)


"Reality? What reality? Student reactions to Jane Eyre and Wide Sargasso Sea"
(9th Liberlit Conference, Seikei University, February 19, 2018)

"Why do we bother?" My lecture on retirement from Sophia university after 25 years

(Sophia University, Tokyo, January 26, 2018)



"Technology and Text: The Bluestockings on Facebook and Other Tales"

(8th Liberlit conference, Tokyo Woman's Christian University, February 20, 2017)

Due to a technical problem, this video cannot currently be shown.

I'm working on it!

Early English Books Online and the Text Creation Partnership

(Tokyo Women's Christian University, 東京女子大学, June 28, 2015)

This is a modified version of a presentation given at the  54th annual conference

of the Shakespeare Society of Japan (October 2014)

Protestant Reception of Catholic Literature

(Reformation Studies Colloquium, Edmund Murray College,

University of Cambridge, September 12th, 2014)

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